
Feel free to write to me if you cannot access the papers or have any questions.


  1. Dense particle suspensions in rotary shear flows.
    Agrawal, Naveen K., Zhouyang Ge, Martin Trulsson, Outi Tammisola, and Luca Brandt.
    Submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics, arXiv:2411.13463.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

  1. Hydrodynamic diffusion in apolar active suspensions of squirmers.
    Ge, Zhouyang and Gwynn J. Elfring.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1003, A17 (2025).
  2. Rheology of periodically sheared suspensions undergoing reversible-irreversible transition.
    Ge, Zhouyang and Gwynn J. Elfring.
    Physical Review E, 106, 054616 (2022).
  3. Irreversibility and rate dependence in sheared adhesive suspensions.
    Ge, Zhouyang, Raffaella Martone, Luca Brandt, and Mario Minale.
    Physical Review Fluids, 6, L101301 (2021).
  4. A mass-preserving interface-correction level set/ghost fluid method for modeling of three-dimensional boiling flows.
    Ningegowda, B.M., Zhouyang Ge, Giandomenico Lupo, Luca Brandt, and Christophe Duwig.
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 162, 120382 (2020).
  5. Theory of hydrodynamic interaction of two spheres in wall-bounded shear flow.
    Fouxon, Itzhak, Boris Rubinstein, Zhouyang Ge, Luca Brandt, and Alexander Leshansky.
    Physical Review Fluids, 5, 054101 (2020).
  6. Droplets in homogeneous shear turbulence.
    Rosti, Marco E., Zhouyang Ge, Suhas S. Jain, Michael S. Dodd, and Luca Brandt.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876, pp. 962-984 (2019).
  7. Flow-assisted droplet assembly in a 3D microfluidic channel.
    Ge, Zhouyang, Outi Tammisola, and Luca Brandt.
    Soft Matter, 15, 3451-3460 (2019).
  8. Effective slip over partially filled microcavities and its possible failure.
    Ge, Zhouyang, Hanna Holmgren, Martin Kronbichler, Luca Brandt, and Gunilla Kreiss.
    Physical Review Fluids, 3, 054201 (2018).
  9. An efficient mass-preserving interface-correction level set/ghost fluid method for droplet suspensions under depletion forces.
    Ge, Zhouyang, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, Outi Tammisola, and Luca Brandt.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 353, pp. 435-459 (2018).
  10. Integral representation of channel flow with interacting particles.
    Fouxon, Itzhak, Zhouyang Ge, Luca Brandt, and Alexander Leshansky.
    Physical Review E, 96, 063110 (2017).

Technical reports

  1. Implementation note on a minimal hybrid lubrication/granular dynamics model for dense suspensions.
    Ge, Zhouyang and Luca Brandt.
    arXiv:2005.12755 (2020).